Well, SEX for one. Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, guilt, depression, low self-esteem, and fear of sexual failure are significant causes of erectile dysfunction (ED). Low testosterone levels are another common cause of ED as well as fatigue, which also leads to low libido. And what causes low testosterone? While it is true that levels of testosterone decrease somewhat with age, they decrease to much lower levels during times of stress or anxiety.
Besides affecting sexual desire and performance, many of the physical health problems of most concern to men are affected by what is going on in the mind. For example men with high blood pressure have much higher rates of heart disease, and high blood pressure is known to be worsened by stress. In Addition, chronic prostatitis is more likely to occur in men whose immune systems are weaker, and the para-sympathetic system (the fright or flight response) - the system that gets revved up during times of stress - also significantly weakens the immune system.
This is all part of the mind-body connection. What is felt by the brain (as in stress) directly impacts the physical body. You can also look at this as a positive thing. Just as stress elicits a stress response which damages the body, relaxation elicits a relaxation response which helps the body to heal. This relaxation response is chemically measurable and has been shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure and to strengthen the synergistic work of the endocrine and the immune systems . This in turn has been shown to promote a decrease in the stress hormone cortisol and hence an increase in energy. You can bring on this relaxation response through simple things like exercise, yoga, meditation, Tai Chi – or by simply doing nothing and letting your mind be blank (without the blackberry or I-phone) for a few minutes a day. Taking deep, slow breaths for a few minutes has been shown to lower the chemicals (remember cortisol?) that get released when the body is under stress and to help bring on the much needed relaxation response in times of stress. This again not only strengthens your immune system but also enables the endocrine system, including the male hormone system to work better.
At the Akasha Center, our Men’s clinic works to identify causes of physical health problems and to develop a personalized plan for each patient focusing on your past medical history, family history, life-style, nutrition, stress factors and social obligations. Our goal is to partner with our patients to address current health issues and concerns while preventing other illnesses from happening. Problems related to sexual function, prostate health, cardiovascular disease, weight issues, and general energy level are together addressed Our approach involves advanced diagnostic testing and the use of not only western medications when indicated, but also the mind-body component. We offer classes in meditation and Tai Chi as well as expert consultation in supplements, herbs and other proven naturopathic and osteopathic approaches that help with stress reduction. For men interested in learning more about the mind and body connection, we demonstrate the types of deep, slow breathing and meditation that can be used anywhere, anytime to lower levels of stress and improve overall health and wellness. We firmly believe in this integrative approach to your health and know that you will benefit from it. Please call us to schedule a time to discuss your individual needs.
Myles Spar, MD, MPH is the director of the Men’s Clinic at the Akasha Center for Integrative Medicine in Santa Monica, California.
He specializes in integrative medicine and is highly committed to helping improve men’s health and wellness. He integrates his work with other members of the Akasha team who together develop an individualized and realistic health and lifestyle program for each man.
Please learn more about Dr. Spar’s by visiting our website www.akashacenter.com